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Creativity Camp Resumption Plan 

- Effective May 20, 2020 - 

  • We will follow the guidance from the Interim Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Guidance for Day Camp Settings issued May 12, 2020 by the state of Georgia’s Bright From the Start agency.

  • Signage will be placed as required by Governor Kemp’s 5/12 Executive Order.

  • Classes will be assigned a base classroom that doesn’t change all week.

  • Parents will not be allowed inside classrooms during the program times.

  • All parents will be instructed on our new drop off/pick up procedures via email prior to camp and via signage in the parking lot during camp.

  • Carpool arrangements will be configured for all drop off and pick up scenarios.

    • Drop off: Drivers will be instructed to stay in their car with their campers. Staff will open the door and assist the camper as they get out of the car. After completion of the health screening process, the camper will be escorted by another staff member or junior counselor to their class.

    • Pick up: The procedure from drop off will effectively be reversed. Adults will not get out of their cars. Staff will be in the carpool line to assist. Parking lot staff will request campers for dismissal with a walkie-talkie and each camper will be escorted to their car by another staffer or junior counselor. Staff will open the car doors and assist campers into their cars.

  • ​Temperature and health screenings will be done at the car as described above. Each parent will be asked to confirm lack of symptoms for every member of the household prior to dropping their camper off.

  • Snacks and lunches will be consumed in the isolated classroom or outside. If outside, each class will eat separate from other groups. Campers will not be allowed to share food or drinks.

    • Campers are required to bring their own lunch or snack in a sealed container with their name on it.

    • Park Studios will allow campers to directly place all unconsumed organic matter in a compost bin and all #1 or #2 plastics & aluminum into a recycling bin. All other waste will be packed back into the sealed lunch container and returned home with the camper.

    • Staff members will wear gloves if they are required to assist campers during meal or snack times.

    • Campers and workers will sanitize hands before and after any meals or snacks.

    • Table surfaces will be cleaned after snacks or meals.

  • Each teacher, along with assigned junior counselor(s), will ensure the cleaning protocols are followed for their classroom.

  • Campers will receive their own supplies that will be labeled for their use only. For all other supplies, Park Studios will provide individual kits for use during the week, to be sanitized between camps. 

  • We will prohibit use of common equipment that cannot be cleaned and sanitized.

  • Camp equipment (like games) that can be sanitized will be cleaned after each class uses it.

  • Campers will be expected and directed to wash hands frequently in addition to when they arrive, when they use the restroom, before and after eating and before they leave. Campers will wear a wristband where the teacher will record the number of times they have washed their hands while at camp each day.

  • Hand sanitizer will be available and used during transition of activities.

  • Class groups will not intermingle or join up with other camp groups for activities.

  • Staff, other than the class teacher, will be available to assist each class as needed.

  • A new signed waiver will be required.

  • Any camper showing symptoms will be quickly isolated and the parents called to come and pick up the child.  Parents must agree prior to drop off that any call for pick up will be addressed immediately.

  • A specific confined area will be defined as the isolation area.



  • All classrooms will be opened only to staff & visitors registered for pre-planned programs, all others will be denied entry during program times. 

    • The studio will be divided into the following classrooms for program delivery:

      • Studio 1 – this will dedicated to 10 students with staff

      • Studio 2 – this will be dedicated to 10 students with staff

​                     Each of these rooms allow group isolation that will help restrict interaction between groups.

  • Rooms not used for programming will remained locked.

  • All visitors & staff will be screened prior to entrance for signs of illness or exhibiting a fever over 100.4 degrees F, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell. All will be asked to verbally verify the absence of symptoms in addition to the staff screening.

    • Anyone exhibiting such symptoms will be prohibited from entry.

  • Signage & instruction will encourage frequent hand washing. 

  • Facemasks will be encouraged by all who enter the buildings.

  • During programs, staff will wear masks when in buildings (outside of their offices).

  • On days when the buildings are opened for programming, frequently touched surfaces (tables, doorknobs/handles, light switches, countertops, toilets, faucets, sinks, etc.) will be cleaned and disinfected at least 3 times/day: 10-11 AM, 1-2 PM & close. Existing staff will be assigned to assure this schedule is adhered to.

  • All rooms will be cleaned and disinfected professionally at least once a day.

  • The public bathrooms will be opened and maintained by building staff. We will follow their direction on usage of those facilities.


  • Until broader guidance is given, group sizes, outside of camp, will be limited to a maximum of 10 people per group and 20 people per program, including teachers/staff. 

  • Program areas will be confined to designated indoor spaces and groups will be restricted from interaction with other program groups. Groups will be confined to one classroom except for entry/exit and bathroom usage.

  • Participants will be distanced in classrooms as much as possible.

  • Each classroom will have disinfectant cleaning supplies.

  • Programs will be held outdoors as much as possible even if some portions of the program are required inside.

  • A new signed waiver will be required.

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